Academic Calendar 2023/24
We hope that everyone is having an amazing Summer Break! Here is a First Look at our 2023/24 Academic Calendar! The most important dates to take note of at the moment are our Induction Dates:
Friday, August 25th: 5th Years- 9:30-11:00
2nd Years- 11:30-13:00
Monday, August 28th: 6th Years 9:30-11:00
3rd Years - 11:30-13:00
Tuesday, August 29th: 4th Years- 9:30-11:00
1st Years- 11:30-13:00.
All Years Groups will return on Wednesday, August 30th at 08:48 for the beginning of all lessons! This Calendar is subject to small changes, which will be announced in advance if required! Looking forward to seeing everyone in August!