Academic Calendar 2023/24

We hope that everyone is having an amazing Summer Break! Here is a First Look at our 2023/24 Academic Calendar! The most important dates to take note of at the moment are our Induction Dates:

Friday, August 25th: 5th Years- 9:30-11:00

2nd Years- 11:30-13:00

Monday, August 28th: 6th Years 9:30-11:00

3rd Years - 11:30-13:00

Tuesday, August 29th: 4th Years- 9:30-11:00

1st Years- 11:30-13:00.

All Years Groups will return on Wednesday, August 30th at 08:48 for the beginning of all lessons! This Calendar is subject to small changes, which will be announced in advance if required! Looking forward to seeing everyone in August!


Leaving Cert Results


Greenway Cycle