An education that brings opportunities
I am delighted to welcome you to St. Peter’s and I am thrilled to be part of the School at this exciting time in its history.
I hope our website offers you an insight into our positive ethos, alongside our warm and welcoming atmosphere.
View the Principal’s Welcome →
Discover your opportunities
In conjunction with a vibrant educational experience, we offer a broad and exciting range of co-curricular programmes that enhance the holistic education we provide for all our students.
Teaching and Learning is the most important activity in our school. Our aim is to provide excellent teaching and high quality learning for all our students.
Students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities to support their learning in class. These activities contribute to developing team-building skills and enhancing students’ social skills. This is an important aspect of school life. Students learn how to interact with each other outside the classroom environment and develop strong bonds and friendships. Students are encouraged to set up clubs and societies from time to time with the assistance of their teachers.
St. Peter’s realises the importance of Pastoral Care and strives to meet the needs of every individual pupil’s welfare and general progress.
St. Peter’s has a structured system of pastoral care with Class Tutors taking on the duty of care for a particular class group as they have the closest contact with the pupils.
News Highlights
Student-focused relationships
We place immense value on our positive, compassionate, and student-focused relationships. Our mission statement highlights our belief in empowering and equipping our students to become well rounded and qualified individuals who can thrive in and contribute to an ever-changing world.
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An Exciting New Era
Expanding on our existing comprehensive facilities, we are excited with the sanctioning of a large extension and refurbishment to our school to cater for 750 students. This will provide a state of the art educational campus for the future and offer ever greater opportunity.